What To Expect
Is it your first time getting a massage? Not to worry...you are in great hands at Neuro-Groove.
Our Massage Therapists will ease your mind and body to ensure you get the most out of your massage.

Check In
You will receive paperwork to fill out that asks for information about your medical history, injuries, or other issues that may be affected by a massage. This information helps the therapist to start to formulate a massage tailored to your needs. Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to fill out this paperwork so your massage session length will not be affected.
Getting Started
You will now be brought to a quiet and relaxing massage room. Your therapist will go over your paperwork and any concerns you may have at this time. During this meeting the therapist will also go over the flow of the massage so there are no surprises. Please share whether you are seeking a relaxing massage, a therapeutic massage or a mixture of both.
Now is also the time to mention areas you would like focused on. These 5-10 minutes of communication are included in your session time so that the therapist can customize and tailor the massage to your needs. We strive for you to have the best and most complete massage experience with us!
Clothing Concerns
The therapist will now leave the room while you disrobe and lie face down on the table underneath the top sheet. It is your option to completely disrobe or remain partially clothed. Please keep in mind that the therapist only uncovers the areas of your body that they are working on at that moment. That area will be recovered before the therapist moves to the next area of focus.
At this time please also remove all jewelry as they can be a distraction to your relaxation experience. The therapist will knock before they re-enter the room to make sure that you have had enough time to get covered and to lie face down on the table.
Communication vs. Conversation
During the massage please feel free to communicate feedback to your therapist. We want you to have a most personalized ad effective massage experience! If the therapist finds a tender area and is providing too much pressure or not enough, please let them know.
Your therapist is encouraged not to converse during your massage session. This is your relaxation time. We do realize that some of our clients relax by conversing during their massage session – and that is completely fine. We just want you to know that you get to determine the level of conversation that may go on.
After your session
When the massage if over, the therapist will leave the room while you get dressed. Take your time getting up from the massage table as you may be quite relaxed. When you are dressed, please open the door so that the therapist knows you are ready to leave. The therapist may ask a few more questions regarding the massage such as time spent in various areas, overall pressure or favorite areas. These notes will be kept in your file. At this time, you will also receive a glass of water. The therapist will now walk you back to the front desk.
To show appreciation of your service to the therapist, you may consider leaving gratuity.
2 Locations to better serve our clients:
4250 W 99th St Suite 100, Carmel, IN 46032
1201 N Post Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46219
FREE Consultation
We thank you for your interest in Neuro-Groove.
Please fill-out the form to the right so that we may better assist you.
Please feel free to contact us directly at: 317.897.9990 or by e-mail.
We try to respond to all requests within a 24 hour periord. For faster service please contact us directly via the information above.
Neuro-Groove disclaimer
The contents and links to this website including all images, text, graphics and other materials are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are in crisis, please seek medical attention immediately.